Part 91: Gumbo NPC Chatter 3
Welcome back!
Gumbo is chock-full of interesting, weird NPCs, and there's a lot of plot points to change their dialog. So without further ado, let's get started.

: They sure seem happy that they can become couples.

: I'm getting embarrassed just watching everyone.

: Oh, Tom Tom. ♥ I am so happy. We'll be together from now on.

: Hey, Justin. Let's get out of here.

: What's wrong, Feena? You're blushing.
Unfortunately, most of the conversations are basically this.

: Thank you. Thanks to you, Taylor and I have openly become a couple.

: We are getting all kinds of praise, but we haven't done anything. I guess it's OK if everyone's happy.

: It will be tough from here, so hang in there. We are cheering for you.

: From here? What are you talking about?

: Taylor! I won't be separated from you anymore! We will be together all night. ♥

: I wonder why these people have become couples all of a sudden.

: Yes. Well maybe their parents have given permission.
There's also only a few different sprites for the NPCs here, just two men, two women, and three kids. And the three people with face portraits also have unique sprites.

: Whoa, what are you doing?! I'm Justin!

: What? Toto, when did you change your name to Justin? You didn't say a word to me.

: You're not listening.

: Toto, I love you. (Squeeze)

: That hurts! That hurts! It hurts when you squeeze like that! Yeow!

: Oh, Lulu. I love you.

: Whoa, you've made a mistake! I am Justin!

: What? Where did you take my Lulu, Justin? Answer me. That's not allowed, even for the Brave Couple!

: What you are saying is all mixed up.
This... this also happens quite a lot.

: Than you. I owe it to you. (kiss) We can be together. (kiss) Never apart day or night. (kiss)

: Waah!

: Well, honey, (kiss) what shall we do? (kiss) Go see the ocean? (kiss)

: I don't want to see anymore!

: Well, you. (kiss) What will we do (kiss) for this and that?(kiss)
Fun fact: I'm sure that the woman there has some dialog, but you can't get to her due to everyone else in the way.
Anyway, let's go talk to the people with faces.

: Oh, it's the Brave Couple! As you can see, Naina and I have become a couple.

: I will be with Naina from now on. Truly. How we waited for this day! Hang in there for the finale tomorrow. We will never forget our debt to you for our entire entire lives.

: Why not go look at the night ocean? Outside you'll find many happy couples, thanks to you.

: Yes, the night ocean sounds romantic.

: We will enjoy the festival here a little longer.

: Right, Naina?

: Of course, Danda. ♥

: From now on, we will be together always and everywhere, Naina! We will never be apart again.

: You are truly a marvelous couple. We are following your example, right, Danda?

: Say, Danda, shall we go buy something matching? Something like their armbands.

: Sure, great idea!

: We're going to the store to buy something matching as a token of our love before the finale tomorrow.

: The best couple in Gumbo should have something specially made in Gumbo, you know? ♥ From now on, I will always be with Danda. I am so happy. ♥

: We owe this to you two, who were declared the Brave Couple for us. I am truly grateful.

: You're exaggerating too much!

: I want to try doing this and that together with Danda. Ah, how pleasant.

: The two of us eating, and dating. The two of us taking a nap. Aaah. Just thinking about it cheers me up. ♥
Yeah, those two like to talk. And there's still a bunch of people hanging around outside.
We've heard the beginning parts of this music before, but this is the first time we get to hear the main loop.

: I just love the way he can be sooooo romantic. ♥ Nights are cool, but you don't feel cold when you're in love. I don't mind as long as I'm with him. ♥ Oh the stars are pretty. Everyone who's at home should come outside. It's not the least bit cold when you're with your true love. ♥ The power of love can conquer anything. You two understand, don't you?

: Well, yeah sure, I guess. Ha ha ha.

: Two people in love can endure anything. That's what love is.

: We haven't met for ages. Tonight we'll go on talking together like this. It doesn't matter what we say. I don't care about the cold. I don't notice when I'm with her. The others are probably all inside. If the volcano does not erupt, the night will be freezing in Gumbo. The night is sure cold in Gumbo, but I don't care! If I'm with my girlfriend, I don't notice at all. Even if it is cold, the Gumbo of old should return by tomorrow's finale.
... Look, I never said that
all of the NPCs where interesting and worth talking to.

: Why yes. Certainly.

: It is much prettier around here than at the sea by New Parm.

: Oh, excuse me. I see this lady has a partner already. I just can't help myself when I see someone so beautiful.

: I don't have to worry about whether he likes me or not. ♥ Now we can be together. ♥ Ha... ha... hatchooo! Look here, I'm sneezing. Then, I had better cuddle more with him so we don't get too cold. Oooou. The cold won't bother me if I cuddle a little with him.

: Oh, this is really great. I don't have to worry that she doesn't like me. Thanks to you, that has all been resolved, and from now on we can be romantic. ♥ Atch... atchoo! Brrr. It's a little cold tonight. Still, unless we get past tomorrow's finale, it probably won't get warm. If we cuddle a little, this cold won't be bad. Strange, as long as I cuddle with her, the cold is not that bad.
Another common trend is couples more or less saying the same thing.

: Oh, I love you. You are the only one for me. We won't be separated a second time. You're the only one for me. You alone.
That wasn't nearly enough dialog. Do these guys share a conversation trigger with a different couple?

: There's a special reason for that. The Spirits will give their blessing there to a couple bound by true love. And because it is so beautiful, they say that love burns hotter there, and the two will surely be wed. Unfortunately, I've never seen it. It must be a good thing. The Spirits must be in a good mood there, since they increase your happiness even more. Ha... hatchoo! Hm. Brrr. It's still chilly. Should we head home?
Oddly enough, despite everyone rushing off to pair up, Makeout Point here is deserted.
Oh thank Frog God, someone with something new to say.

: I don't understand it myself.

: But bravery is real, you know.

: Right now, I don't understand what brave is. What could it be?
Poor kid is just trying to understand how Final Fantasy Tactics works.

: Heh, heh. My girlfriend said she likes me covered with mud. So, I'm doing my best to get even dirtier. It's a waste of time to sleep. If it's for her, I don't feel cold. OK, back to getting muddy....
... Okay, I can't hate this guy. He's just too darn enthusiastic.
Also, the fact that he's the last dude out there at night helps.
None of the interiors are available at night, which means we're done! See you next time!